Volunteer opportunities

Sacred Heart of Glyndon Soccer Club is a 100% volunteer run organization. Without the help of our dedicated volunteers our program would NOT be able to function. Please consider volunteering to provide our community with the best possible soccer experience! Volunteering is very satisfying, it will provide you with a sense of pride and accomplishment at the end of the day. Thanks in advance for your consideration to volunteer for our organization.
Our program is constantly growing year after year! Which means we need more coaches, assistant coaches, parent helpers, and even board members.We have a spot for you no matter what area your passions or interests are in!
As John Hayward said “ Many Hands Make Light Work”

If you are interested in volunteering please contact feedback@shgsc.org for more information. Additionally please fill out the volunteer/coach registration form when registering your child to play soccer.
All our volunteers need to be VIRTUS certified.
If you have any questions please inquire using the contact form below. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. We will get back to you as soon as possible!